[R] How to make Ordinary Kriging using gstat predict?

S Ellison S.Ellison at LGCGroup.com
Mon Dec 17 18:22:12 CET 2012

> -----Original Message-----
> My problem is that instead of Ordinary kriging, when I run 
> the algorithm I get: Inverse distance weighted interpolation. 
> Why is that? What am I missing or doing wrong? 
The gstat manual at http://www.gstat.org/gstat.pdf says on p16 that  "When no variograms are specified, inverse distance weighted interpolation
is the default action (Fig. 2.1, example [6.3]).
When variograms are specified the default prediction method is ordinary
kriging Journel and Huijbregts (1978); Cressie (1993) (example [6.4] and
example [6.8])."

It looks like reading that manual may be useful ...

S Ellison

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