[R] looping through spatial points and getting counts of spatial points in spatial grid in R

John Kane jrkrideau at inbox.com
Mon Dec 17 13:48:14 CET 2012

Sample data? 

 Please supply some sample data and code. 
 The easiest way to supply data  is to use the dput() function.  Example with your file named "testfile": 
Then copy the output and paste into your email.  For large data sets, you can just supply a representative sample.  Usually, 
dput(head(testfile, 100)) will be sufficient.    

John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

> -----Original Message-----
> From: waggymaggy at yahoo.com
> Sent: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 23:07:54 -0800 (PST)
> To: r-help at r-project.org
> Subject: [R] looping through spatial points and getting counts of spatial
> points in spatial grid in R
> Hi,
> I am stuck in a looping problem. It might be an easy problem for
> experienced R users but I have been unable to do it. Any kind of help or
> advice will be great appreciated.
> I am creating a spatial grid and have a list of spatial points in a
> folder. I can read the spatial points separately and get a count of the
> points in the spatial grid in R. The output should be a table showing the
> counts of points in the spatial grid. However, since there are many of
> these spatial points, I want this process to be automated. Can someone
> help me with this? All my spatial points are in one folder.
> # Creating spatial points in R - reading the POI shapefiles as
> SpatialPointsDataFrame in R autopts.rg <- readOGR(".", "AutoSvc")class
> (autopts.rg)
> # Getting a count of the Spatial Points in the Spatial Data Frame in.cell
> <- overlay(SpatialGrid_LS,FinInstq2) newdata <-
> data.frame(table(in.cell))View(newdata)
> "SpatialGrid_LS" is the spatial grid that I had created in R.
> I guess a For loop would help, but although I tried several things, I
> haven't been successful yet.
> Thanks!
> Tilo
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