[R] Non-quadratic plots

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Mon Dec 3 19:26:05 CET 2012

On Dec 3, 2012, at 9:29 AM, Jessica Streicher wrote:

> Nevermind, found i can at least do it with pdf() and consorts, so  
> i'll get it right in my images, and thats the main point.
> On 03.12.2012, at 18:06, Jessica Streicher wrote:
>> I'd like to make plots that do not have the quadratic layout, like  
>> having a plot that is twice as wide as it is high (without  
>> distorting everything).
>> Sadly i wasn't able to find anything in par that does that.
>> Best would be with plot(), but i'd use the ggplot package as well  
>> if necessary.
When posting it is requested that you include your OS and R version.  
In graphics output questions it is common that OS info might be  
relevant. I'm reading here from the help pages on a Mac in R version  
2.15.2.  The height and width arguments control the setup of the  
quartz() device (and I suspect for the corresponding windows device.  
Other output devices also have height and width parameters as you  
note.  In base graphics there is an 'asp' (aspect ratio) argument for  
the interactive graphics window. In Lattice there are layout.height  
and layout.width that are arguments to `lattice.options`.

David Winsemius, MD
Alameda, CA, USA

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