[R] Problem with special characters

Renato De Leone renato.deleone at unicam.it
Fri Dec 7 11:39:41 CET 2012

I have the following problem:
I am using igraph and entering a graph from an external (.txt) file using


In a.xtx the name of the nodes contains special 
characters (such Polish names, etc). In the 
R  console, the visualization of the names is not 
correct and I am loosing some of the special characters.

Any help will be greatly appreciate.

Renato De Leone   (Professor)
Università di Camerino             Scuola di Scienze e Tecnologie
Camerino (MC)  ITALY             PHONE: +39-0737-402532
renato.deleone[at]unicam.it        FAX:      +39-0737-632525

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