[R] Revolutions Blog: March Roundup

David Smith david at revolutionanalytics.com
Tue Apr 10 23:09:57 CEST 2012

I write about R every weekday at the Revolutions blog:
and every month I post a summary of articles from the previous month
of particular interest to readers of r-help.

In case you missed them, here are some articles related to R from the
month of March:

New features in the latest version of ggplot2 include choropleths,
violin plots, and improved annotations: http://bit.ly/wHYCbS

A video demonstration of big-data Naive Bayes and Classification Tree
models with Revolution R Enterprise for IBM Netezza:

A collection of two-minute video tutorials for R beginners: http://bit.ly/HylyO9

A bad infographic from Kony 2012 redrawn as a bar chart in R:

Sanjiv Das uses R to analyze when banks should modify distressed home
loans, and which banks are still too big to fail: http://bit.ly/HylyO8

Step-by-step tutorials to get Hadoop running with R on Amazon EC2:

How anachronistic is the language of Downton Abbey, really?
http://bit.ly/HylxcZ . (And if you don't know what Downton Abbey is:
http://bit.ly/HylxcY .)

SAP integrates R with its HANA in-memory database: http://bit.ly/HylxcX

Tips on using the "lubridate" package to simplify working with times
and dates in R: http://bit.ly/HylyOc

The program is announced for R/Finance 2012, and registration is open:

R used at Twitter to apply cluster analysis to the nutritional content
of a McDonald's menu: http://bit.ly/Hylz4t

The 2012 Future of Open Source survey is open: http://bit.ly/Hylxd2

R projects for students in the 2012 Google Summer of Code: http://bit.ly/Hylz4u

Actuary Jim Guszcza demonstrates how R is used for actuarial analysis
at Deloitte Consulting: http://bit.ly/Hylxd4

New features in R 2.15.0 "Easter Beagle": http://bit.ly/Hylz4v

A beautiful animated visualization of wind-flow patterns: http://bit.ly/Hylxd5

Other non-R-related stories in the past month included: Ben Goldacre
talks about the dangers of publication bias (http://bit.ly/Io09Cy),
jokes for mathematicians (http://bit.ly/Io08ys), how analytics with
Big Data is revolutionizing the Services industry
(http://bit.ly/Io09Cz), definitions of "Data Scientist" from Michael
Rappa (http://bit.ly/Hylxd8) and Hilary Mason (http://bit.ly/Io08ie),
rebuilding Sarajevo (http://bit.ly/Io08if), why you shouldn't write
like a scientist (http://bit.ly/Io09CA), the US government and Big
Data (http://bit.ly/Io09CB), a video history of copyright issues
(http://bit.ly/Io08yt), and how a blackjack player used probability to
beat a casino (http://bit.ly/Hylz4G).

There are new R user groups in Milan (http://bit.ly/Hylxtp), Montreal
(http://bit.ly/Hylxtq), Lithuania, Birmingham and Taiwan
(http://bit.ly/Hylz4H). Meeting times for local R user groups
(http://bit.ly/eC5YQe) can be found on the updated R Community
Calendar at: http://bit.ly/bb3naW

If you're looking for more articles about R, you can find summaries
from previous months at http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/roundups/.
Join the Revolution mailing list at
http://revolutionanalytics.com/newsletter to be alerted to new
articles on a monthly basis.

As always, thanks for the comments and please keep sending suggestions
to me at david at revolutionanalytics.com . Don't forget you can also
follow the blog using an RSS reader like Google Reader, or by
following me on Twitter (I'm @revodavid).

# David

David M Smith <david at revolutionanalytics.com>
VP of Marketing, Revolution Analytics  http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com
Tel: +1 (650) 646-9523 (Palo Alto, CA, USA)

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