[R] formula for calculating the survival probability for nomogram

min myi at mdanderson.org
Wed Nov 30 20:21:11 CET 2011

Hi, I used Dr. Harrell's rms package to make a nomogram. 

Below is my code for nomogram and calculate total points and probability *in
original data set* used for building the nomogram. *My question is how I get
the formula for calculating the survival probability for this nomogram. Then
I can use this formula to do validation by using other data set. *

f1 <- cph(Surv(retime,dfs) ~ age+her2+t_stage+n_stage+er+cytcyt+Cyt_PCDK2  ,
 surv=T, x=T, y=T, time.inc=5)

surv<- Survival(f1)
surv10 <- function(lp) surv(10,lp)
surv5 <- function(lp) surv(5,lp)
quant <- Quantile(f1)

at.surv <- c(0.1, 0.3, 0.5,  0.7, 0.9)

nom<- nomogram(f1, conf.int=F,
fun=list(surv5, surv10), funlabel=c('5-Year Survival Probability', '10-Year
Survival Probability' ),  lp=F,
fun.at=c(at.surv, at.surv))

################# total points ##########################

age.p <- lm(nom[[1]]$points ~ nom[[1]]$age)

tot.points <- (age*age.p$coef[2]+age.p$coef[1])+ 
(her2=='Positive')*nom[[2]]$points[2] +


data22 <- data.frame(retime=retime, dfs=dfs,  tot.points=tot.points)
fit <- cph(Surv(retime, dfs) ~ tot.points,data=data22 ,surv=T, x=T, y=T,
survff <- survfit.cph(fit, newdata=data22)

times <-survff$time
probb <- survff$surv

############# 5 year ##################
indd <- times==times[times<=5][length(times[times<=5])]

probb2 <- probb[indd,]  ## 5-year surv prob for each patient

I would very much appreciate any assistance in this matter. 
Thank you Very much.


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