[R] Sampling with conditions

(Ted Harding) ted.harding at wlandres.net
Tue Nov 8 01:25:57 CET 2011

On 07-Nov-11 22:22:54, SarahJoyes wrote:
> Hey everyone, 
> I am at best, an amateur user of R, but I am stuck on how
> to set-up the following situation. 
> I am trying to select a random sample of numbers from 0 to 10
> and insert them into the first column of a matrix (which will
> used later in a loop).
> However, I need to have those numbers add up to 10. How can
> I set those conditions?
> So far I have:
> n<-matrix(0,nr=5,ncol=10)
> for(i in 1:10){n[i,1]<-sample(0:10,1)}
> How do I set-up the "BUT sum(n[i,1])=10"?
> Thanks
> SarahJ

Sarah, your example is confusing because you have set up a
matrix 'n' with 5 rows and 10 columns. But your loop cycles
through 10 rows!

However, assuming that your basic requirement is to sample
10 integers which add up to 10, consider rmultinom():

  #      [,1]
  # [1,]    1
  # [2,]    0
  # [3,]    2
  # [4,]    0
  # [5,]    1
  # [6,]    1
  # [7,]    2
  # [8,]    0
  # [9,]    1
  #[10,]    2
  #      [,1]
  # [1,]    0
  # [2,]    0
  # [3,]    0
  # [4,]    0
  # [5,]    1
  # [6,]    1
  # [7,]    2
  # [8,]    1
  # [9,]    2
  #[10,]    3

This gives each integer in (0:10) equal chances of being
in the sample. For unequal chances, vary 'prob'.

Hoping this helps,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <ted.harding at wlandres.net>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 08-Nov-11                                       Time: 00:25:54
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