[R] wrong argument to TO_CHAR (RODBC)?

Nuno Prista nmprista at fc.ul.pt
Fri May 13 12:24:15 CEST 2011

Dear all,

I can't seem to run what seems (to me!) like a common SQL statement in RODBC:

data <- sqlQuery(a, 'SELECT TO_CHAR (DB1.DATE, 'yyyy') "year" FROM DB1')

In contrast,

data <- sqlQuery(a, 'SELECT TO_CHAR(DB1.DT_INICIO) "year" FROM DB1')

works but it does not come up as I want it to (i.e., in "year" format).

Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? I figure it has something to do with the '.

Thank you for your help,


ps. In case you haven't noticed already I am a newbie in everything related to databases...

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