[R] Looking for a repeated measure two groups comparison and a two factor ANOVA in Circular distribution

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 20:17:43 CET 2011

Bert Gunter <gunter.berton <at> gene.com> writes:

> 1. I suggest you try posting on the r-sig-geo list, as I would guess
> that circular distributions are a relevant topic of concern there
> (spatial statistics)  for which expertise would be available.
> 2. Also check out the lme4 package and glmer. You might be able to
> write your own family function there and analyze your data in the
> generalized mixed models context.

  Unfortunately this isn't so easy.  GLM families are hard-coded in the
underlying C code, so doing this would require a fair bit of work.

  Ben Bolker

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