[R] Hardy Weinberg

Mike Miller mbmiller+l at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 06:27:26 CEST 2011

On Wed, 22 Jun 2011, Jim Silverton wrote:

> I am generating 1,000 replicates of 10,000 of these 2 x 3 tables but R 
> cannot seem to save it. Its over 1 Gig. Any ideas on how I can store 
> this large amount of data? Should I use a list or a matrix?

Is English your first language?  If so, you can probably understand our 
questions and answer them.

You might consider storing a 2x3 table as one row of length 6 in a matrix 
with 10,000 rows.  Store that as one file -- it's only 60,000 elements, 
all of them integers.  Store 1,000 files.

You aren't being clear about what you are doing.


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