[R] Help me create a hyper-structure

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Sat Apr 16 16:39:03 CEST 2011

Alaios <alaios <at> yahoo.com> writes:

> Dear all 
> I would like to have in R a big struct containing a smaller struct. 
> 1) I would like to have a small struct with the following three fields
> xorder (an integer ranging from 0 to 20)
> yorder (an integer ranging from 0 to 20)
> estimated (a 256*256 matrix)
> 2) I would like to have 10 elements of the struct above
> for that I wrote the following:
Estimationstruct <- function ( xorder, yorder, estimated) {
  list (xorder= xorder,

per.sr.struct <- replicate(10,

> That one worked.
> per.sr.struct contains 10 elements and each one of that contains 1).

all.sr.struct <-   replicate(20,per.sr.struct,simplify=FALSE)

> The idea is to have 20 all.sr.stuct and each element
> to contain one per.sr.struct.

  I think you just missed simplify=FALSE in the last step ...

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