[R] Transparent Labels for Polar Plot

James MacCarthy teamintern at conservation.org
Mon Sep 13 22:25:13 CEST 2010


I am currently using the polar.plot function in the plotrix package to graph data. Unfortunately, it seems that the default for the labels is to have a background color that is covering the line representing my data, making it difficult to read. Is there a way to make this label background transparent?


lengths <- 0:72
bearing <- seq(from=0, to=360, by=5)

polar.plot(lengths, bearing, labels = seq(from=0, to=340, by=20),label.pos = seq(from=0, to=340, by=20), start=90, clockwise=TRUE, rp.type="p", line.col="aquamarine3", lwd=2, main="Title", radial.lim=seq(from=0, to=90, by=15))

##label at length 20 blocks view of the line around bearing 100

Thanks for your help!

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