[R] Help with unexpected symbol errors

Amit Patel amitrhelp at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Sep 6 22:42:33 CEST 2010


I have got a long script which will not run for me as i keep getting errors :

> source("clusterfixV1_4.r")
Error in source("clusterfixV1_4.r") : 
clusterfixV1_4.r: unexpected symbol at
158: eck[k,2] <- as.numeric(1)
159:                   #ClusterInfo[k,2] <- "Clustered

I have sorted all the ones i can but i am having a problem here
Can anyone tell me the cause of these problems. Its not a very short or 
straightforward script so i dont expect you to go through the whole thing but it 
would be great if you can give me an indication as to what I may be doing wrong.
I havent attached the data that the script uses because I'm pretty sure the 
principles i have used are right
when running the script i get the above error on line 158 and 159
I am more than happy to provide further information(e.g the dataset) if it helps

Many thanks in advance

Amit Patel


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