[R] Writing R code for "moments"

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 16:18:39 CEST 2010

July <iowncup <at> gmail.com> writes:

> (1) How can I write R code to compute the moments around zero of order one
> to four?
> (2) How can I write R code to compute the moments around the mean of order
> one to four?

  Just checking: is this homework?  Why do you need to do this?
What is your input: a list of numbers, a function that encodes
a probability distribution, ... ?  If the former, there are
existing skew and kurtosis functions out there
(install.packages("sos"); library("sos"); findFn("kurtosis")),
and it's pretty easy to do something like mean(x), mean(x^2),
mean(x^3), mean(x^4) for the non-central moments ...

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