[R] R and Limesurvey

Fabrice DELENTE fdelente at mail.cpod.fr
Sat Jan 23 11:52:32 CET 2010


I used Limesurvey to get answers to a survey. Now I need to process the data

I exported the R syntax file describing the survey structure, the file is a 


It contains lines like

attributes(data)$variable.labels[which(names(data)=="V5")]="Quel âge avez-vous ?"

that are the clear text of my question.

I'd like to be able to reference these values to display them.

I tried print(attributes(data)$variable.labels["V5"] but it gives NA whereas
I'd like to get "Quel âge avez-vous ?".

How does this work?

Thanks for any hint!


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