[R] R Experts

Erik Iverson eriki at ccbr.umn.edu
Fri Feb 26 22:55:27 CET 2010

Ryan Kinzer wrote:
> Erik
> Thanks for helping.  Both of them are factors.

That's the problem, they need to be of class Date.  See the R NEWS 
article about Date classes in Volume 4/1.


I don't see how they could be factors though, since you shouldn't be 
able to subtract two factors from each other without a warning at least?

e.g., when I make up factors f1  and f2

 >f1 - f2


Warning message:
In Ops.factor(f1, f2) : - not meaningful for factors

We would have to have a small, reproducible example to know for sure 
what's going on...

Best Regards,

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