[R] modify a nomogram

david dav davamaillist at gmail.com
Wed Aug 25 08:17:04 CEST 2010

I would like to emphasize ("zoom") the zone of a nomogram where the
probability are > 0.01
(nomogram built with nomogram, Design).
As a consequence, I don't need to draw the part of the "Total points"
axis with score < 60 equivalent in my case to a linear predictor < 4.5

- As far as I know, this is not possible with the arguments of the function.
- Changing the code of the function is beyond my abilities
     -- can not even create a "nomo.f" function with the same body:
          body(nomo) <- expression({
          conf.lp <- match.arg(conf.lp) ..... rest of the function body
        this does not even work
     -- I am not sure to find the piece of code responsible for
defining the axis

nomogram(logistic.fit, fun = plogis, fun.at = c(seq(0.01,1,by=.2)),
lmgp=.2, lp = T,maxscale = 100,   total.sep.page = T )


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