[R] R2.11.0 - rasterImage() and barplot fill-patterns
baptiste auguie
baptiste.auguie at googlemail.com
Thu Apr 22 16:10:26 CEST 2010
This idea was also discussed when Paul Murrell first announced the
grid.raster function to R-devel,
My personal conclusion was that vector fill patterns are generally
better in terms of resolution and speed. Of course the situation might
be different if one wanted to use a fancy image pattern, or if there
was a fast implementation of tiling patterns at the C level.
I wrote a proof-of-concept here --- my main issue is that the
resulting grob is not vectorized,
On 22 April 2010 14:10, Tal Galili <tal.galili at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Peter,
> Thank you, and the R core team, for the new release.
> I see that in R 2.11.0 there is now support for rendering of raster (bitmap)
> images through rasterImage().
> I am wondering - can this be used to create a texture/fill-pattern for
> hist()/barplot() ?
> (A request made several times throughout the years on the mailing list.
> For example:
> http://osdir.com/ml/lang.r.general/2005-07/msg00799.html
> )
> (I am also sending this e-mail to the maintainers of lattice, ggplot2 and
> gplots in the hope for more perspectives)
> With much respect,
> Tal
> ----------------Contact
> Details:-------------------------------------------------------
> Contact me: Tal.Galili at gmail.com | 972-52-7275845
> Read me: www.talgalili.com (Hebrew) | www.biostatistics.co.il (Hebrew) |
> www.r-statistics.com (English)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Peter Dalgaard <pd.mes at cbs.dk> wrote:
>> I've rolled up R-2.11.0.tar.gz a short while ago. This is a development
>> release which contains a number of new features.
>> Also, a number of mostly minor bugs have been fixed. See the full list
>> of changes below.
>> NOTE: The build platform has been changed for this release. Please watch
>> out extra carefully for anomalies.
>> You can get it from
>> http://cran.r-project.org/src/base/R-2/R-2.11.0.tar.gz
>> or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you.
>> Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course.
>> For the R Core Team
>> Peter Dalgaard
>> These are the md5sums for the freshly created files, in case you wish
>> to check that they are uncorrupted:
>> MD5 (AUTHORS) = ac9746b4845ae866661f51cfc99262f5
>> MD5 (COPYING) = eb723b61539feef013de476e68b5c50a
>> MD5 (COPYING.LIB) = a6f89e2100d9b6cdffcea4f398e37343
>> MD5 (FAQ) = 5b653442bedab476a4eff7468192fb5f
>> MD5 (INSTALL) = 70447ae7f2c35233d3065b004aa4f331
>> MD5 (NEWS) = 59017734fb8474f98f994c7a5a27f9fb
>> MD5 (ONEWS) = a8c985af5ad5e9c7e0a9f502d07baeb4
>> MD5 (OONEWS) = 4f004de59e24a52d0f500063b4603bcb
>> MD5 (R-latest.tar.gz) = c6c1e866299f533617750889c729bfb3
>> MD5 (README) = 433182754c05c2cf7a04ad0da474a1d0
>> MD5 (RESOURCES) = 020479f381d5f9038dcb18708997f5da
>> MD5 (THANKS) = f2ccf22f3e20ebaa86f8ee5cc6b0f655
>> MD5 (R-2/R-2.11.0.tar.gz) = c6c1e866299f533617750889c729bfb3
>> This is the relevant part of the NEWS file:
>> o Packages must have been installed under R >= 2.10.0, as the
>> current help system is the only one now supported.
>> o A port to 64-bit Windows is now available as well as binary
>> package repositiories: see the 'R Administration and
>> Installation Manual'.
>> o Argument matching for primitive functions is now done in the
>> same way as for interpreted functions except for the deliberate
>> exceptions
>> call switch .C .Fortran .Call .External
>> all of which use positional matching for their first argument,
>> and also some internal-use-only primitives.
>> o The default device for command-line R at the console on Mac OS X
>> is now quartz() and not X11().
>> o The 'open' modes for connections are now interpreted more
>> consistently. open = "r" is now equivalent to open = "rt" for
>> all connections. The default open = "" now means "rt" for all
>> connections except the compressed file connections gzfile(),
>> bzfile() and xzfile() for which it means "rb".
>> o R CMD INSTALL now uses the internal untar() in package utils:
>> this ensures that all platforms can install bzip2- and
>> xz-compressed tarballs. In case this causes problems (as it
>> has on some Windows file systems when run from Cygwin tools)
>> it can be overridden by the environment variable
>> R_INSTALL_TAR: setting this to a modern external tar program
>> will speed up unpacking of large (tens of Mb or more)
>> tarballs.
>> o help(try.all.packages = TRUE) is much faster (although the
>> time taken by the OS to find all the packages the first time
>> it is used can dominate the time).
>> o R CMD check has a new option '--timings' to record
>> per-example timings in file <pkg>.Rcheck/<pkg>-Ex.timings.
>> o The TRE library has been updated to version 0.8.0 (minor bugfixes).
>> o grep[l], [g]sub and [g]regexpr now work in bytes in an 8-bit
>> locales if there is no marked UTF-8 input string: this will be
>> somewhat faster, and for [g]sub() give the result in the
>> native encoding rather than in UTF-8 (which returns to the
>> behaviour prior to R 2.10.0).
>> o A new argument 'skipCalls' has been added to browser() so that
>> it can report the original context when called by other
>> debugging functions.
>> o More validity checking of UTF-8 and MBCS strings is done by
>> agrep() and the regular-expression matching functions.
>> o The undocumented restriction on gregexpr() to length(text) > 0
>> has been removed.
>> o Package tcltk now sends strings to Tcl in UTF-8: this means
>> that strings with a marked UTF-8 encoding are supported in
>> non-UTF-8 locales.
>> o The graphics engine now supports rendering of raster (bitmap)
>> images, though not all graphics devices can provide (full)
>> support. Packages providing graphics devices (e.g., Cairo,
>> RSvgDevice, cairoDevice) will need to be reinstalled.
>> There is also support in the graphics engine for capturing
>> raster images from graphics devices (again not supported
>> on all graphics devices).
>> o R CMD check now also checks if the package and namespace can
>> be unloaded: this provides a check of the .Last.lib() and
>> .onUnload() hook functions (unless --install=fake).
>> o prop.table(x) now accepts a one-dimensional table for x.
>> o A new function vapply() has been added, based on a suggestion
>> from Bill Dunlap. It requires that a template for the
>> function value be specified, and uses it to determine the
>> output type and to check for consistency in the function
>> values.
>> o The main HTML help page now links to a reformatted copy of
>> this NEWS file. (Suggested by Henrik Bengtsson.) Package
>> index files link to the package DESCRIPTION and NEWS files and
>> a list of demos when using dynamic help.
>> o The [ method for class "AsIs" allows the next method to change
>> the underlying class. (Wish of Jens Oehlschlägel.)
>> o write.csv[2] no longer allow 'append' to be changed: as ever,
>> direct calls to write.table() give more flexibility as well as
>> more room for error.
>> o The index page for HTML help for a package now collapses
>> multiple signatures for S4 methods into a single entry.
>> o The use of '.required' by require() and detach() has been
>> replaced by '.Depends' which is set from the 'Depends' field
>> of a package (even in packages with name spaces). By default
>> detach() prevents such dependencies from being detached: this
>> can be overridden by the argument 'force'.
>> o bquote() has been extended to work on function definitions
>> (wish of PR#14031).
>> o detach() when applied to an object other than a package
>> returns the environment that has been detached, to parallel
>> attach().
>> o readline() in non-interactive use returns "" and does not
>> attempt to read from the 'terminal'.
>> o New function file_ext() in package 'tools'.
>> o xtfrm() is now primitive and internally generic, as this allows
>> S4 methods to be set on it without name-space scoping issues.
>> There are now "AsIs" and "difftime" methods, and the default
>> method uses unclass(x) if is.numeric(x) is true (which will be
>> faster but relies on is.numeric() having been set correctly
>> for the class).
>> o is.numeric(x) is now false for a "difftime" object
>> (multiplication and division make no sense for such objects).
>> o The default method of weighted.mean(x, w) coerces 'w' to be
>> numeric (aka double); previously only integer weights were
>> coerced. Zero weights are handled specially so an infinite
>> value with zero weight does not force an NaN result.
>> There is now a "difftime" method.
>> o bug.report() now has 'package' and 'lib.loc' arguments to
>> generate bug reports about packages. When this is used, it
>> looks for a BugReports field in the package DESCRIPTION file,
>> which will be assumed to be a URL at which to submit the
>> report, and otherwise generates an email to the package
>> maintainer. (Suggested by Barry Rowlingson.)
>> o quantile() now has a method for the date-time class "POSIXt",
>> and types 1 and 3 (which never interpolate) work for Dates and
>> ordered factors.
>> o length(<POSIXlt>) now returns the length of the corresponding
>> abstract timedate-vector rather than always 9 (the length of the
>> underlying list structure). (Wish of PR#14073 and PR#10507.)
>> o The readline completion backend no longer sorts possible
>> completions alphabetically (e.g., function argument names) if
>> R was built with readline >= 6.
>> o select.list() gains a 'graphics' argument to allow Windows/Mac
>> users to choose the text interface. This changes the
>> behaviour of new.packages(ask=TRUE) to be like
>> update.packages(ask=TRUE) on those platforms in using a text
>> menu: use ask="graphics" for a graphical menu.
>> o New function chooseBioCmirror() to set the "BioC_mirror" option.
>> o The R grammar prevents using the argument 'name' in signatures
>> of S4 methods for '$' and '$<-', since they will always be
>> called with a character string value for 'name'. The implicit
>> S4 generic functions have been changed to reflect this:
>> packages which included 'name' in the signature of their
>> methods need to be updated and re-installed.
>> o The handling of the 'method' argument of glm() has been
>> refined following suggestions by Ioannis Kosmidis and Heather
>> Turner.
>> o str() gains a new argument 'list.len' with default 99, limiting the
>> number of list() items (per level), thanks to suggestions from
>> David Winsenius.
>> o Having formal arguments of an S4 method in a different order
>> from the generic is now an error (the warning having been
>> ignored by some package maintainers for a long time).
>> o New functions enc2native() and enc2utf8() convert character
>> vectors with possibly marked encodings to the current locale and
>> UTF-8 respectively.
>> o Unrecognized escapes and embedded nuls in character strings are
>> now an error, not just a warning. Thus option "warnEscapes"
>> is no longer needed. rawToChar() now removes trailing nuls
>> silently, but other embedded nuls become errors.
>> o Informational messages about masked objects displayed when a
>> package is attached are now more compact, using strwrap()
>> instead of one object per line.
>> o print.rle() gains argument 'prefix'.
>> o download.file() gains a "curl" method, mainly for use on
>> platforms which have 'curl' but not 'wget', but also for some
>> hard-to-access URLs.
>> o In Rd, \eqn and \deqn will render in HTML (and convert to text)
>> upper- and lower-case Greek letters (entered as \alpha ...),
>> \ldots, \dots, \ge and \le.
>> o utf8ToInt() and intToUtf8() now map NA inputs to NA outputs.
>> o file() has a new argument 'raw' which may help if it is used
>> with something other than a regular file, e.g. a character device.
>> o New function strtoi(), a wrapper for the C function strtol.
>> o as.octmode() and as.hexmode() now allow inputs of length other
>> than one.
>> The format() and print() methods for "octmode" now preserve
>> names and dimensions (as those for "hexmode" did).
>> The format() methods for classes "octmode" and "hexmode" gain
>> a 'width' argument.
>> o seq.int() returns an integer result in some further cases
>> where seq() does, e.g. seq.int(1L, 9L, by = 2L).
>> o Added \subsection{}{} macro to Rd syntax, for subsections
>> within sections.
>> o n-dimensional arrays with dimension names can now be indexed
>> by an n-column character matrix. The indices are matched
>> against the dimension names. NA indices are propagated to the
>> result. Unmatched values and "" are not allowed and result in
>> an error.
>> o interaction(drop=TRUE) uses less memory (related to PR#14121).
>> o summary() methods have been added to the "srcref" and
>> "srcfile" classes, and various encoding issues have been
>> cleaned up.
>> o If option "checkPackageLicense" is set to TRUE (not currently
>> the default), users will be asked to agree to
>> non-known-to-be-FOSS package licences at first use.
>> o Checking setAs(a,b) methods only gives a message instead of a
>> warning, when one of a or b is unknown.
>> o New function norm() to compute a matrix norm.
>> norm() and also backsolve() and sample() have implicit S4 generics.
>> o Renviron.site and Rprofile.site can have architecture-specific
>> versions on systems with sub-architectures.
>> o R CMD check now (by default) also checks Rd files for
>> auto-generated content in need of editing, and missing argument
>> descriptions.
>> o aggregate() gains a formula method thanks to a contribution by
>> Arni Magnusson. The data frame method now allows summary
>> functions to return arbitrarily many values.
>> o path.expand() now propagates NA values rather than converting them
>> to "NA".
>> o file.show() now disallows NA values for file names, headers, and
>> pager.
>> o The 'fuzz' used by seq() and seq.int() has been reduced from
>> 1e-7 to 1e-10, which should be ample for the double-precision
>> calculations used in R. It ensures that the fuzz never comes
>> into play with sequences of integers (wish of PR#14169).
>> o The default value of RSiteSearch(restrict=) has been changed
>> to include vignettes but to exclude R-help. The R-help
>> archives available have been split, with a new option of
>> "Rhelp10" for those from 2010.
>> o New function rasterImage() in the 'graphics' package for drawing
>> raster images.
>> o stats:::extractAIC.coxph() now omits aliased terms when computing
>> the degrees of freedom (suggestion of Terry Therneau).
>> o cor() and cov() now test for misuse with non-numeric
>> arguments, such as the non-bug report PR#14207.
>> o pchisq(ncp =, log.p = TRUE) is more accurate for probabilities
>> near one. E.g. pchisq(80, 4, ncp=1, log.p=TRUE). (Maybe what
>> was meant in PR#14126.)
>> o maintainer() has been added, to give convenient access to the
>> name of the maintainer of a package (contributed by David
>> Scott).
>> o sample() and sample.int() allow zero items to be sampled from
>> a zero-length input. sample.int() gains a default value
>> 'size=n' to be more similar to sample().
>> o switch() returned NULL on error (not previously documented on
>> the help page): it now does so invisibly, analogously to
>> if-without-else.
>> It is now primitive: this means that EXPR is always matched to
>> the first argument and there is no danger of partial matching
>> to later named arguments.
>> o Primitive functions UseMethod(), attr(), attr<-(), on.exit(),
>> retracemem() and substitute() now use standard argument
>> matching (rather than positional matching). This means that
>> all multi-argument primitives which are not internal now use
>> standard argument matching except where positional matching is
>> desirable (as for switch(), call(), .C() ...).
>> o All the one-argument primitives now check that any name
>> supplied for their first argument is a partial match to the
>> argument name as documented on the help page: this also
>> applies to replacement functions of two arguments.
>> o base::which() uses a new .Internal function when arr.ind is
>> FALSE resulting in a 10x speedup. Thanks to Patrick Aboyoun
>> for implementation suggestions.
>> o Help conversion to text now uses the first part of \enc{}{}
>> markup if it is representable in the current output encoding.
>> On the other hand, conversion to LaTeX with the default
>> outputEncoding = "ASCII" uses the second part.
>> o A new class "listOfMethods" has been introduced to represent
>> the methods in a methods table, to replace the deprecated
>> class "MethodsList".
>> o any() and all() return early if possible. This may speed up
>> operations on long vectors.
>> o strptime() now accepts "%z" (for the offset from UTC in the
>> RFC822 format of +/-hhmm).
>> o The PCRE library has been updated to version 8.02, a bug-fix
>> release which also updates tables to Unicode 5.02.
>> o Functions which may use a graphical select.list() (including
>> menu() and install.packages()) now check on a Unix-alike that
>> Tk can be started (and not just
>> capabilities("tcltk") && capabilities("X11")).
>> o The parser no longer marks strings containing octal or hex
>> escapes as being in UTF-8 when entered in a UTF-8 locale.
>> o On platforms with cairo but not Pango (notably Mac OS X) the
>> initial default X11() type is set to "Xlib": this avoids
>> several problems with font selection when done by cairo rather
>> than Pango (at least on Mac OS X).
>> o New arrayInd() such that which(x, arr.ind = TRUE) for an array
>> 'x' is now equivalent to arrayInd(which(x), dim(x), dimnames(x)).
>> o Bundles of packages are defunct.
>> o stats::clearNames() is defunct: use unname().
>> o Basic regular expressions are defunct, and strsplit(), grep(),
>> grepl(), sub(), gsub(), regexpr() and gregexpr() no longer
>> have an 'extended' argument.
>> o methods::trySilent() is defunct.
>> o index.search() (which was deprecated in 2.10.0) is no longer
>> exported and has a different argument list.
>> o Use of multiple arguments to return() is now defunct.
>> o The use of UseMethod() with more than two arguments is now defunct.
>> o In the 'methods' package, the MethodsList metadata objects which
>> had been superseded by hash tables (environments) since R
>> 2.8.0 are being phased out. Objects of this class are no
>> longer assigned or used as metadata by the package.
>> getMethods() is now deprecated, with its internal use replaced
>> by findMethods() and other changes. Creating objects from the
>> MethodsList class is also deprecated.
>> o Parsing strings containing both octal/hex and Unicode escapes
>> now gives a warning and will become an error in R 2.12.0.
>> o UTF-8 is now used for the reference manual and package
>> manuals. This requires LaTeX '2005/12/01' or later.
>> o configure looks for a POSIX compliant tr, Solaris's
>> /usr/ucb/tr having been found to cause Rdiff to malfunction.
>> o configure is now generated with autoconf-2.65, which works
>> better on recent systems and on Mac OS X.
>> o Characters in R source which are not translatable to the
>> current locale are now handled more tolerantly: these will be
>> converted to hex codes with a warning. Such characters are
>> only really portable if they appear in comments.
>> o R CMD INSTALL now tests that the installed package can be loaded
>> (and backs out the installation if it cannot): this can be
>> suppressed by --no-test-load. This avoids installing/updating
>> a package that cannot be used: common causes of failures to
>> load are missing/incompatible external software and
>> missing/broken dependent packages.
>> o Package installation on Windows for a package with a src
>> directory now checks if a DLL is created unless there is a
>> src/Makefile.win file: this helps catch broken installations
>> where the toolchain has not reported problems in building the DLL.
>> (Note: this can be any DLL, not just one named <pkg-name>.dll.)
>> o Using with(), eval() etc with a list with some unnamed
>> elements now works. (PR#14035)
>> o The "quick" dispatch of S4 methods for primitive functions was
>> not happening, forcing a search each time. (Dispatch for
>> closures was not affected.) A side effect is that default
>> values for arguments in a method that do not have defaults in
>> the generic will now be ignored.
>> o Trying to dispatch S4 methods for primitives during the search
>> for inherited methods slows that search down and potentially
>> could cause an infinite recursion. An internal switch was
>> added to turn off all such methods from
>> findInheritedMethods().
>> o R framework installation (on Mac OS X) would not work properly
>> if a rogue Resources directory was present at the top level.
>> Such a non-symlink will now be renamed to Resources.old (and
>> anything previously named Resources.old removed) as part of
>> the framework installation process.
>> o The checks for conforming S4 method arguments could fail when
>> the signature of the generic function omitted some of the
>> formal arguments (in addition to ...). Arguments omitted from
>> the method definition but conforming (per the documentation)
>> should now be ignored (treated as "ANY") in dispatching.
>> o The computations for S4 method evaluation when '...' was in the
>> signature could fail, treating '...' as an ordinary symbol.
>> This has been fixed, for the known cases.
>> o Various ar() fitting methods have more protection for singular
>> fits.
>> o callNextMethod now works again with the drop= argument in `[`
>> o parse() and parse_Rd() miscounted columns when multibyte UTF-8
>> characters were present.
>> o Formatting of help pages has had minor improvements: extra
>> blank lines have been removed from the text format, and empty
>> package labels removed from HTML.
>> o cor(A, B) where A has n x 1 and B a 1-dimensional array
>> segfaulted or gave an internal error.
>> (The case cor(B, A) was PR#7116.)
>> o cut.POSIXt() applied to a start value after the DST transition
>> on a DST-change day could give the wrong time for 'breaks' in units
>> of days or longer. (PR#14208)
>> o do_par() UNPROTECTed too early (PR#14214)
>> o subassignment x[[....]] <- y didn't check for a zero-length
>> right hand side, and inserted rubbish value. (PR#14217)
>> o fisher.test() no longer gives a P-value *very* slightly > 1,
>> in some borderline cases.
>> o Internal function matchArgs no longer modifies the general
>> purpose bits of the SEXPs that make up the formals list of R
>> functions. This fixes an invalid error message that would
>> occur when a garbage collection triggered a second call to
>> matchArgs for the same function via a finalizer.
>> o gsub() in 2.10.x could fail from stack overflow for extremely
>> long strings due to temporary data being allocated on the
>> stack. Also, gsub() with fixed=TRUE is in some circumstances
>> considerably faster.
>> o Several primitives, including attributes(), attr<-()
>> interactive(), nargs() and proc.time(), did not check that
>> they were called with the correct number of arguments.
>> o A potential race condition in list.files() when other processes
>> are operating on the directory has been fixed; the code now
>> dynamically allocates memory for file listings in a single
>> pass instead of making an initial count pass.
>> o mean(x, trim=, na.rm = FALSE) failed to return NA if 'x'
>> contained missing values. (Reported by Bill Dunlap.)
>> o Extreme tail behavior of, pbeta() {and hence pf()}, e.g.,
>> pbeta(x, 3, 2200, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=TRUE) now returns
>> finite values instead of jumping to -Inf too early (PR#14230).
>> o parse(text=x) misbehaved for objects 'x' that were not coerced
>> internally to character, notably symbols. (Reported to
>> R-devel by Bill Dunlap.)
>> o The internal C function 'coerceSymbol' now handles coercion to
>> character, and warns if coercion fails (rather than silently
>> returning NULL). This allows a name to be given where a
>> character vector is required in functions which coerce
>> internally.
>> o The interpretation by strptime() of %c was non-standard (not
>> that it is ever advisable to use locale- and system-specific
>> input formats).
>> o capabilities("X11") now works the same way on Mac OS X as on
>> other platforms (and as documented: it was always true for R
>> built with --with-aqua, as the CRAN builds are).
>> o The X11() device with cairo but not Pango (notably Mac OS X)
>> now checks validity of text strings in UTF-8 locales (since
>> Pango does but cairo it seems does not).
>> o read.fwf() misread multi-line records when n was specified.
>> (PR#14241)
>> o all.equal(*, tolerance = e) passes the numeric tolerance also to
>> the comparison of the attributes.
>> o pgamma(0,0), a boundary case, now returns 0, its limit from the
>> left, rather than the limit from the right.
>> o Issuing POST requests to the internal web server could stall
>> the request under certain circumstances.
>> o gzcon( <textConnection> ), an error, no longer damages the
>> connection (in a way to have it seg.fault). (PR#14237)
>> o All the results from hist() now use the nominal 'breaks' not
>> those adjusted by the numeric 'fuzz": in recent versions the
>> nominal 'breaks' were reported but the 'density' referred to
>> the intervals used in the calculation -- which mattered very
>> slightly for one of the extreme bins. (Based on a report by
>> Martin Becker.)
>> o If xy[z].coords (used internally by many graphics functions) are
>> given a list as 'x', they now check that the list has suitable
>> names and give a more informative error message. (PR#13936)
>> --
>> Peter Dalgaard
>> Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
>> Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
>> Phone: (+45)38153501
>> Email: pd.mes at cbs.dk Priv: PDalgd at gmail.com
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