[R] nls for piecewise linear regression not converging to least square
Thomas Lumley
tlumley at u.washington.edu
Mon Apr 19 23:40:45 CEST 2010
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010, Karen Chang Liu wrote:
> Hi R experts,
> I'm trying to use nls() for a piecewise linear regression with the first
> slope constrained to 0. There are 10 data points and when it does converge
> the second slope is almost always over estimated for some reason. I have
> many sets of these 10-point datasets that I need to do. The following
> segment of code is an example, and sorry for the overly precise numbers,
> they are just copied from real data.
> y1<-c(2.37700445, 1.76209775, 0.09795576, 2.21834963, 6.62262243,
> 15.70471269, 21.92956392, 36.39401717, 32.43620195, 44.77442277)
> x1<-c(24.6, 28.9, 33.2, 37.6, 42.0, 46.4, 50.9, 55.3, 59.8, 64.3)
> dat <- data.frame(x1,y1)
> nlmod <- nls(y1 ~ ifelse(x1 < xint+(yint/slp), yint, yint +
> (x1-(xint+(yint/slp)))*slp),
> data=dat, control=list(minFactor=1e-5,maxiter=500,warnOnly=T),
> start=list(xint=39.27464924, yint=0.09795576, slp=2.15061064),
> na.action=na.omit, trace=T)
> ##plotting the function
> plot(dat$x1,dat$y1)
> segments(x0=0, x1=coef(nlmod)[1]+coef(nlmod)[2]*coef(nlmod)[3],
> y0=coef(nlmod)[2], y1=coef(nlmod)[2])
> segments(x0=coef(nlmod)[1]+coef(nlmod)[2]*coef(nlmod)[3],x1=80,
> y0=coef(nlmod)[2], y1=80*coef(nlmod)[3]+coef(nlmod)[2])
> As you can see from the plot, the line is above all data points on the
> second segment. This seems to be the case for different datasets. I'm
> wondering if anyone can help me understand why this happens. Is this because
> there are too few data points or is it because the likelihood function is
> just not smooth enough?
I think there's something wrong with your graph. If I do
I get points that are on the horizontal line segment, but then go through the data nicely on the right.
Thomas Lumley Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
tlumley at u.washington.edu University of Washington, Seattle
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