[R] CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
cranatic at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 01:36:05 CEST 2009
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* adaptTest (1.0)
Marc Vandemeulebroecke
The functions defined in this program serve for implementing adaptive
two-stage tests. Currently, four tests are included: Bauer and
Koehne (1994), Lehmacher and Wassmer (1999), Vandemeulebroecke
(2006), and the horizontal conditional error function. User-defined
tests can also be implemented. Reference: Vandemeulebroecke, An
investigation of two-stage tests, Statistica Sinica 2006.
* bcv (1.0)
Patrick O. Perry
This package implements methods for choosing the rank of an SVD
approximation via cross validation. It provides both Gabriel-style
"block" holdouts and Wold-style "speckled" holdouts. Also included
is an implementation of the SVDImpute algorithm. For more
information about Bi-cross-validation, see Owen & Perry's 2009 AOAS
article (at http://arxiv.org/abs/0908.2062) and Perry's 2009 PhD
thesis (at http://arxiv.org/abs/0909.3052).
* dse1 (2009.10-1)
Paul Gilbert
This package is only to aid transition to the unbundled dse package.
It has no functions, but simply requires package EvalEst.
* dse2 (2009.10-1)
Paul Gilbert
This package is only to aid transition to the unbundled dse package.
It has no functions, but simply requires package EvalEst.
* EvalEst (2009.10-2)
Paul Gilbert
Multivariate Time Series - extensions.See ?00dse-Intro for more
* glmdm (0.51)
Jeff Gill
* integrativeME (1.1)
Kim-Anh Le Cao
Mixture of experts models (Jacobs et al., 1991) were introduced to
account for nonlinearities and other complexities in the data. It is
based on a divide-and-conquer strategy. Mixture of experts are of
interest due to their wide applicability and the advantages of fast
learning via the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. We have
extended and implemented mixture of experts to combine categorical
clinical factors and continuous microarray data in a binary
classification framework to analyze cancer studies. To provide a
hybrid signature of clinical factors and gene markers, we propose to
apply different gene selection procedures as a first step.
* integrativeMEdata (1.0)
Kim-Anh Le Cao
This package contains data sets with matched categorical clinical
factors and microarray data for three cancer studies. This is part
of the integrativeME package that combines these two types of
variables in a binary classification framework by selecting a hybrid
signature of clinical factors and gene markers.
* latticedl (1.0)
Toby Dylan Hocking
Direct labeling functions that use the lattice package.
* nodeHarvest (0.1)
Nicolai Meinshausen
Node harvest is a simple interpretable tree-like estimator for
high-dimensional regression and classification. A few nodes are
selected from an initially large ensemble of nodes, each associated
with a positive weight. New observations can fall into one or
several nodes and predictions are the weighted average response
across all these groups. The package offers visualization of the
estimator. Predictions can return the nodes a new observation fell
into, along with the mean response of training observations in each
node, offering a simple explanation of the prediction.
* sublogo (1.0)
Toby Dylan Hocking
Visualize correlation in biological sequence data using sublogo
dendrogram plots.
Updated packages
adimpro (0.7.3), aplpack (1.2.2), approximator (1.1-6), aws (1.6-1),
aylmer (1.0-4), BACCO (2.0-4), BB (2009.9-1), binMto (0.0-4), boot
(1.2-41), bootspecdens (3.0), bqtl (1.0-25), CalciOMatic (1.1-3),
calibrator (1.1-7), ccgarch (0.1.7), choplump (1.0), CircStats
(0.2-4), clv (0.3-2), compare (0.2-3), condGEE (0.1-3), contfrac
(1.1-8), Davies (1.1-5), deSolve (1.5), Devore7 (0.7.2), dlnm (1.0.2),
dplR (, drfit (0.05-95), dse (2009.10-1), dti (0.8-2), EDR
(0.6-3), effects (2.0-9), effects (2.0-10), eha (1.2-12), eiPack
(0.1-6), emulator (1.1-7), epicalc (, FGN (1.2), FitAR (1.79),
forward (1.0.3), fts (0.7.6), gamlss (3.0-1), gamlss.cens (3.0.1),
gamlss.data (3.0-1), gamlss.dist (3.0-1), gamlss.mx (3.0-1), gamlss.nl
(3.0-1), gamlss.tr (3.0-1), geoR (1.6-27), geoRglm (0.8-26), gld
(1.8.4), glmmML (0.81-6), gplots (2.7.2), grouped (0.6-0), HAPim
(1.3), hash (1.0.2), hdrcde (2.12), heplots (0.8-10), intervals
(0.13.1), irtoys (0.1.2), isotone (0.8-7), ivivc (0.1.5), Kendall
(2.1), kernlab (0.9-9), ks (1.6.8), lcda (0.2), LearnEDA (1.01),
LoopAnalyst (1.2-2), lordif (0.1-2), ltm (0.9-2), magic (1.4-6),
matlab (0.8-3), maxLik (0.6-0), MChtest (1.0-1), mclust (3.3.2), MCPAN
(1.1-9), mefa (3.1-3), memisc (0.95-22), Metabonomic (3.3.1), mixstock
(0.9.2), MLDA (2.0), mratios (1.3.11), multipol (1.0-4), mvna
(1.1-10), NestedCohort (1.1-2), nFactors (2.3.1), nlme (3.1-96),
nparLD (1.1), onion (1.2-3), pairwiseCI (0.1-17), paran (1.4.2), pheno
(1.5), pmg (0.9-40), POT (1.1-0), proxy (0.4-4), pwt (6.3-0), QCA3
(0.0-2), QCAGUI (1.3-7), R2jags (0.01-26), randomForest (4.5-31),
randomForest (4.5-32), rateratio.test (1.0-1), RBerkeley (0.7-1),
RcmdrPlugin.Export (0.2-2), relax (1.3.1), RFOC (1.0-6), RgoogleMaps
(1.1.6), RMTstat (0.2), RODBC (1.3-1), RPostgreSQL (0.1-5), rrcov
(1.0-00), RSEIS (2.2-0), rsm (1.13), runjags (0.9.5-1),
sampleSelection (0.6-8), scatterplot3d (0.3-29), scout (1.0.1), scrime
(1.1.7), scuba (1.2-3), SimComp (1.4.1), smoothtail (1.1.4),
SMPracticals (1.3-1), SpatialExtremes (1.4-0), SpatialNP (1.0-1),
spatstat (1.16-3), spdep (0.4-49), spdep (0.4-47), ssanv (1.0-1),
surveillance (1.1-2), TRAMPR (1.0-6), trip (1.1-3), tripEstimation
(0.0-29), tuneR (0.2-11), untb (1.6-1), vcd (1.2-6), vrmlgen (1.1),
WriteXLS (1.8.2), xts (0.6-8)
New reviews
* odfWeave, by eRic
* RODBC, by eRic
* reshape, by eRic
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