[R] Odp: : Question about correlation between data.

Petr PIKAL petr.pikal at precheza.cz
Fri Oct 16 15:36:45 CEST 2009


r-help-bounces at r-project.org napsal dne 16.10.2009 15:24:05:

> hi everybody, I'm a student, and I'm new using R! 
> I'm looking for statistical 
> help hoping somebody can answer me! 
> This is my problem: 
> I have 2 temporal 
> series. The firstone is a series of mesured data (height of monitorated 
> points), the second is a series of temperature (in Celsius degree). 
> Using 
> Matlab I have built  the two graphs (Measured Data - Time & Temperature 
> Time). 
> Looking those graphs I can surely say that there is a clear 
> correlation beetween theme, and also that the measured data are surely 
> influenced by the variations of temperature. 
> Unfortunately my statistical 
> knowledges are not that large so using R seems quite difficult to me. 
> My 
> question is: is there a code already written the can compare the 2 
> series and can find the correlation between the data??? 

If the relationship is linear than

lm(values~temperature, ...)

shall suffice

if it is nonlinear than you can look e.g. to


> And also: is there a 
> code that can correct the Measured Data from the influence of 
temperature and 
> return a clean data??? 

maybe ?predict.


> if you want I can send you the .txt file with data. 
> Thanks 
> Antonio Gonelli - University of Ferrara - Italy
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