[R] CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
cranatic at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 01:38:19 CEST 2009
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* EQL (1.0-0)
Thorn Thaler
Computation of the EQL for a given family of variance functions,
Saddlepoint-approximations and related auxiliary functions (e.g.
Hermite polynomials)
* flsa (1.03)
Holger Hoefling
This package implements a path algorithm for the Fused Lasso Signal
Approximator. For more details see the help files
* glmperm (1.0-1)
Wiebke Werft
A permutation test is used for inference in generalized linear models
(glm). The procedure is useful when parameter estimates in ordinary
glm fail to converge or are unreliable due to small sample size.
* HMR (0.1.0)
Asger R. Pedersen
Statistical analysis of static chamber concentration data for trace
gas flux estimation
* inlinedocs (1.0)
Toby Dylan Hocking
Generates Rd files from R source code with comments, providing for
quick, sustainable package development. The syntax keeps code and
documentation close together, and is inspired by the Don't Repeat
Yourself principle.
* intamap (1.2-18)
Edzer J. Pebesma
A package that provides classes and methods for automated spatial
* intamapInteractive (1.0-6)
Edzer J. Pebesma
A package that provides classes and methods for automated spatial
* lda (1.1)
Jonathan Chang
This package implements latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and related
models. This includes (but is not limited to) sLDA, corrLDA, and
the mixed-membership stochastic blockmodel. Inference for all of
these models is implemented via a fast collapsed Gibbs sampler
writtten in C. Utility functions for reading/writing data typically
used in topic models, as well as tools for examining posterior
distributions are also included.
* phull (0.2-1)
Marek Gagolewski
The package computes the p-hull of a finite planar set, which is a
generalization of the convex hull, X-Y hull and bounding rectangle.
A fast, O(n log n) Graham-scan based routine is used.
* psgp (0.2-7)
Jon Skoien
implements projected sparse Gaussian process kriging for the intamap
* QCA3 (0.0-1)
HUANG Ronggui
A set of functions is for Qulitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). It
can be used for all three types of QCA.
* RC (
Send complaints to
The RC package allows the user to create and use reproducible
computations for the purpose of research and education. The meta
data about the computations are stored in a remote repository which
is hosted at www.freestatistics.org
* RelativeRisk (1.0-1)
Bob Wheeler
Relative risk estimation for prospective and retrospective data.
* ttutils (1.0-0)
Thorn Thaler
Contains some auxiliary functions.
Updated packages
AICcmodavg (1.02), AlgDesign (1.0-12), alr3 (1.1.12), arm (1.2-9.01),
benchden (1.0.2), BMN (1.01), caret (4.23), caret (4.24), clustTool
(1.6.4), coin (1.0-7), ctv (0.5-4), DEoptim (2.0-0), dplR (,
eba (1.5-5), Epi (1.1.7), epicalc (, epicalc (, ez
(1.4.1), fArma (2100.76), fAsianOptions (2100.76), fAssets (2100.78),
fBasics (2100.78), fBonds (2100.75), fCopulae (2100.77),
fExoticOptions (2100.76), fExtremes (2100.77), fGarch (2100.79),
fImport (2100.77), flsa (1.03), fMultivar (2100.76), fNonlinear
(2100.76), fOptions (2100.76), fPortfolio (2100.78), fRegression
(2100.76), fTrading (2100.76), fUnitRoots (2100.76), fUtilities
(2100.77), Geneland (3.1.5), glmulti (0.5-2), haplo.stats (1.4.4),
hash (1.0), hmm.discnp (0.1-0), KFAS (0.4.2), KFAS (0.4.3), KFAS
(0.4.4), locpol (0.4-0), lpSolveAPI (, MCMCglmm (1.12),
meboot (1.0-1), mi (0.08-04.02), MLCM (0.0-5), MLDS (0.2-3), npmlreg
(0.44), oce (0.1-78), optmatch (0.6-0), OrdFacReg (1.0.1), PearsonDS
(0.91), peperr (1.1-4), plink (1.2-1), plm (1.2-1), psych (1.0-80),
psyphy (0.1-3), qtl (1.14-2), quantmod (0.3-12), RcmdrPlugin.DoE
(0.5-3), RInside (0.1.1), rmeta (2.16), robust (0.3-9), SensoMineR
(1.10), sos (1.1-5), spatialsegregation (2.11), STAR (0.3-4), statmod
(1.4.1), SuppDists (1.1-6), tikzDevice (0.4.8), tileHMM (1.0-3),
timeDate (2100.86), timeSeries (2100.84), tlnise (1.1), ttrTests
(1.2), urca (1.2-3), VR (7.2-49), WINRPACK (1.0-9)
New reviews
* distrEx, by cranktastic
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