[R] [OT] Contacting "Introductory Statistics for EngineeringExperimentation" authors

Gaj Vidmar gaj.vidmar at mf.uni-lj.si
Mon Mar 30 17:27:26 CEST 2009

Two authors appear to be the same as of the book "Analysis of Means" (ANOM), 
which I read and has a website at http://www.analysisofmeans.com/

If I remember correctly, Mr. Nelson is deceased, but you might nevertheless 
reach Mrs. Copeland following the Contact Us link at the ANOM website, which 
leads to info at analysisofmeans.com.

Or, you might be able to contact her through Boulder Statistics (another 
link at the ANOM website) at http://www.boulderstats.com/ 
(getinfo at boulderstats.com).

Assist.Prof. Gaj Vidmar, PhD
Institute for Rehabilitation, Republic of Slovenia

"Douglas Bates" <bates at stat.wisc.edu> wrote in message 
news:40e66e0b0903300725k55ac5294m50f4f953047b0287 at mail.gmail.com...
>I have been examining the text "Introductory Statistics for
> Engineering Experimentation" by Peter R. Nelson, Marie Coffin and
> Karen A.F. Copeland (Elsevier, 2003).  There are several interesting
> data sets used in the book and I plan to create an R package for them.
> I would like to contact the surviving authors (apparently Peter R.
> Nelson died in 2004) but have not been able to obtain contact
> information for them.  According to the preface the book was developed
> for an intro engineering stats course at Clemson however no one at
> Clemson could provide any leads.  Does anyone on this list have
> contact information for Marie Coffin or Karen A.F. Copeland?  I have
> been unsuccessful in various google searches.
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