[R] Burt table from word frequency list

Joan-Josep Vallbé Pep.Vallbe at uab.cat
Sun Mar 29 19:32:11 CEST 2009

Ok, thank you. And is there any function to get the table directly  
from the original corpus?


joan-josep vallbé

On Mar 29, 2009, at 2:00 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

> On 29/03/2009 7:02 AM, Joan-Josep Vallbé wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have a word frequency list from a corpus (say, in .csv), where  
>> the  first column is a word and the second is the occurrence  
>> frequency of  that word in the corpus. Is it possible to obtain a  
>> Burt table (a  table crossing all words with each other, i.e.,  
>> where rows and columns  are the words) from that frequency list  
>> with R? I'm exploring the "ca"  package but I'm not able to solve  
>> this detail.
> No, because you don't have any information on that.  You only have  
> marginal counts.  You need counts of pairs of words (from the  
> original corpus, or already summarized.)
> Duncan Murdoch

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