[R] multiple paired t-tests

Dan Kortschak dan.kortschak at adelaide.edu.au
Wed Mar 25 01:39:30 CET 2009

That is a valid point, the number of samples I expect to be different  
is actually quite small, but it is supportable (or otherwise) by  
other experimental data.

Unfortunately the question I really want answered is pretty much  
covered by doing this.


On 25/03/2009, at 10:25 AM, Eik Vettorazzi wrote:

> .. and you will end up - in your example- with 60 t-statistics and  
> p-values (so you do bonforroni adjustment or something like  
> that)?!  Sometimes the question  for "How do I ..." should be read  
> as "What is the question I *really* want to be answered ...". You  
> may consider doing some more sophisticated analysis.

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