[R] read.xls question

Rodrigo Aluizio r.aluizio at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 10:38:20 CET 2009

To turn the function avaliable you have to load the library first, to  
do so:

Then you use your command read.xls.
I'm suposing that you already had installed the xlsReadWrite package.

A better alternative to this package is RODBC, which also read excel  
2007 files. Take a look on it at the CRAN web site.

Hope it helps.
Best wishes.

Rodrigo Aluizio

Em 15/03/2009, às 00:27, "Mathew, Abraham T" <amathew at ku.edu> escreveu:

> I'm an R newbie and had a question about the read.xls function. I've  
> heard that this is often not a reliable function to use for  
> importing data. However, I have created numerous xls files which  
> contain information about voter turnout and macroeconomic indicators  
> in India. I'm writing a paper on the relationship between economic  
> growth and voter turnout.
> This is the command I use:
> data <- read.xls("India.xls", header=TRUE)
> I get the following error message:
> Error: could not find function "read.xls"
> Anyone have ideas?
> Thanks,
> Abraham
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