[R] alternative to EMV?

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Thu Mar 12 16:01:18 CET 2009

If I understand your question and if I understood Dr Harrell's  
description of the Hmisc/Design packages capabilities, this should all  
be available. I have been blessed with a dataset so large and with so  
relatively few missing values that I have not yet needed to put his  
methods into practice, but you should consider his function transcan  
in Hmisc.

On Mar 12, 2009, at 8:44 AM, Elsaesser, Chris wrote:

> I need a package that can compute missing values of n-dimensional  
> vectors for n > 2. This is a kind of interpolation, complicated in  
> dimensions higher than 2. The idea is that I have a set of fully  
> specified vectors (i.e., with no missing values) and I get a new  
> vector that has one or more missing attributes; I need to fill in  
> the missing values with values that are, based on the 'training  
> set', representative.
> EMV appeared to be the solution but it has been taken off CRAN and I  
> can't seem to install the archived version by hand on my Windoz  
> machine.
> Does anyone know of an alternative to EMV?
> Thanks,
> Chris Elsaesser, PhD           703.371.7301 (m)
> Principal Engineer               703.983.4116 (o)
> Information Discovery & Understanding
> The MITRE Corporation
> McLean, VA
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David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT

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