[R] chisq.test: decreasing p-value

soeren.vogel at eawag.ch soeren.vogel at eawag.ch
Wed Mar 11 15:28:01 CET 2009

Thanks to Peter, David, and Michael! After having corrected the coding  
error, the p values converge to particular value, not necessarily  
zero. The whole story is, 634 respondents in 6 different areas marked  
their answer on a 7-step Likert scale (very bad, bad, ..., very good  
-- later recoded to 5 scale levels). The statistical question now is,  
do the answer's distributions (amount of goods, bads etc.) in either  
area differ from the "mean" answer-distribution calculated with  
summing up all goods, bads, etc. Anyway an omnibus chi square would  
not answer my question, and due to spurious significances I'd rather  
go back to my chi square book ;-) (for the interested, see http://sozmod.eawag.ch/files/file.Robj 
  for the entire table).

Thanks for your help


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