[R] xyplot() - can you control how the plots are ordered?
Dieter Menne
dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Sun Mar 8 10:24:31 CET 2009
AR <anandram <at> gmail.com> writes:
> I want to control the plots in the output of the xyplot(). It is
> easier to explain it through an example:
.. modified example see below
> The output of the xyplot() is sorted by the alphabetical order of
> months (First Apr, then Aug so on). I need to output such that the
> order of the months is maintained, i.e. plot of Jan first, then Feb,
> Mar ... so on.
The bad thing happens during the implicit conversion to factors
by xyplot. Create your factors explicitly, and make sure the
given order is used instead of the default
sort(unique.default(x), na.last = TRUE)
You probably also would like to add as.table = TRUE to
get Jan at the top.
# months
months <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar",
"Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep",
"Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
months = factor(months,levels=months)
n <- length(months);
m <- 10;
mdata <- data.frame(x = runif(m*n), y = runif(m*n), z = rep(months,
each = m));
h <- xyplot(y ~ x | z, data = mdata,as.table=TRUE);
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