[R] Analisys in Multidimensional contingency tables

José Ignacio Bustos Melo jbustosm at udec.cl
Wed Jun 10 18:40:34 CEST 2009

Dear R-list,

Hi everyone, Im trying to make an analysis of multidimensional contingency
tables using R. I' working with the Agresti example where you have the
data from 3 categories. The thing is how can I do the analisys using the
G2 statistics. Somebody can send me an Idea?

I attach the program where you can find the data.
Best Regards,

> prob1<- data.frame(victim=c(rep('white',4),rep('black',4)),
+ perp=c(rep('white',2),rep('black',2),rep('white',2),rep('black',2)),
+ death=rep(c('yes','no'),4), count=c(19,132,11,52,0,9,6,97))
> prob1
  victim  perp death count
1  white white   yes    19
2  white white    no   132
3  white black   yes    11
4  white black    no    52
5  black white   yes     0
6  black white    no     9
7  black black   yes     6
8  black black    no    97
> ftable(xtabs(count ~ victim + perp + death, data = prob1))
             death  no yes
victim perp
black  black        97   6
       white         9   0
white  black        52  11
       white       132  19


   O__  ---- José Bustos Melo.
  c/ /'_ --- Master in Applied Statistics
 (*) \(*) -- B.S. in Marine Biology
-------------Science Faculty
-------------Catholic University of Concepcion
-------------Alonso de Ribera 2850 – Concepción, Casilla 297
-------------Cell phone: +56 9 9 5939144

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