[R] ggplot2 - how to change location / position of wind rose axis labels?
Darren Norris
doon75 at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 24 01:39:03 CET 2009
Dear R users,
First just want to say thank you to all for developing such a wonderful
software and packages.
I need to produce a wind rose plot. Tried with packages circular and plotrix
and couldn't quite get what I want. Moved to package ggplot2 and it's going
great. However stuck in how to move axis labels.
I am using the wind rose from the help to learn how to do what I need (code
example below). The plot produced has axis labels on top of the axis line
(not sure if it's actually the plot or axis line...) - which means the
labels are unclear for what I need to produce.
How can I move the labels to be outside of the line? I have read the online
book ( http://had.co.nz/ggplot2/book/ ), help, tried changing various theme
and scale settings and searched the package website and mailing list (
http://had.co.nz/ggplot2/ ). If the answer is there I'm too stupid to see it
- do I need to play with grobs? If so how?
Any help much appreciated,
R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
Kingdom.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252
attached base packages:
[1] grid stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
other attached packages:
[1] ggplot2_0.8.1 reshape_0.8.2 plyr_0.1.4 proto_0.3-8
#Using an example form the coord_polar help
movies$rrating <- factor(round_any(movies$rating, 1))
movies$budgetq <- factor(chop(movies$budget, 4), labels = 1:4)
doh <- ggplot(movies, aes(x = rrating, fill = budgetq))
doh + geom_bar(width = 1) + coord_polar()
#Now with my theme (hacked from theme_bw) getting close to what I need
theme_bwdn<-function (base_size = 12)
structure(list(axis.line = theme_blank(), axis.text.x = theme_text(size
= base_size *
1, lineheight = 0.9, vjust = 1), axis.text.y = theme_blank(),
axis.ticks = theme_segment(colour = "black",
size = 0.2), axis.title.x = theme_blank(), axis.title.y =
theme_blank(), axis.ticks.length = unit(0,
"lines"), axis.ticks.margin = unit(0, "lines"), legend.background =
theme_rect(colour = NA),
legend.key = theme_rect(colour = "grey80"), legend.key.size =
"lines"), legend.text = theme_text(size = base_size *
0.8), legend.title = theme_text(size = base_size *
0.8, face = "bold", hjust = 0), legend.position = "right",
panel.background = theme_rect(fill = "white", colour = NA),
panel.border = theme_rect(fill = NA, colour = "grey50"),
panel.grid.major = theme_line(colour = "black", size = 0.2),
panel.grid.minor = theme_line(colour = "black", size = 0.5),
panel.margin = unit(0.25, "lines"), strip.background =
theme_rect(fill = "grey80",
colour = "grey50"), strip.label = function(variable,
value) value, strip.text.x = theme_text(size = base_size *
0.8), strip.text.y = theme_text(size = base_size *
0.8, angle = -90), plot.background = theme_rect(colour = NA),
plot.title = theme_text(size = base_size * 1.2), plot.margin =
4), "lines")), class = "options")
awind<-doh + geom_bar(width = 1) + coord_polar()
#produces the wind rose but how to move axis labels?
awind + theme_bwdn()
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/ggplot2---how-to-change-location---position-of-wind-rose-axis-labels--tp21635526p21635526.html
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