[R] merging several dataframes from a list

Antje niederlein-rstat at yahoo.de
Wed Jan 21 09:19:57 CET 2009

Hi there,

I have a list of dataframes (generated by reading multiple files) and all 
dataframes are comparable in dimension and column names. They also have a 
common column, which, I'd like to use for merging. To give a simple example of 
what I have:

df1 <- data.frame(c(LETTERS[1:5]), c(2,6,3,1,9))
names(df1) <- c("pos", "data")
df3 <- df2 <- df1
df2$data <- c(6,2,9,7,5)
df3$data <- c(9,3,6,2,1)
mylist <- list(df1,df2,df3)
names(mylist) <- c("df1","df2","df3")

 > mylist

   pos data
1   A    2
2   B    6
3   C    3
4   D    1
5   E    9

   pos data
1   A    6
2   B    2
3   C    9
4   D    7
5   E    5

   pos data
1   A    9
2   B    3
3   C    6
4   D    2
5   E    1

If I use do.call("cbind"), I'll end up with something like this

    pos data pos data pos data
1   A    2   A    6   A    9
2   B    6   B    2   B    3
3   C    3   C    9   C    6
4   D    1   D    7   D    2
5   E    9   E    5   E    1

but now, I don't know anymore which data comes from which dataframe... and I 
have the column "pos" multiple times...

Instead I'd like to have it like this:

    pos df1 df2 df3
1   A    2   6   9
2   B    6   2   3
3   C    3   9   6
4   D    1   7   2
5   E    9   5   1

How, can I realize it? (The list, I'm working with has not just 3 data frames 
like given in my example, so I need to automize it)


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