[R] Changing Ylab and scale in hclust plots
Steve_Friedman at nps.gov
Steve_Friedman at nps.gov
Fri Feb 27 16:03:06 CET 2009
Running R 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) on Windows.
I running a series (25) of clustering procedures using the hclust function
and would like each of the plots to have the same yaxis label and scale in
all of the plots.
Is there a procedure to change the scale on these plots? Or is there an
alternative clustering function that can give me broader control
Here is my very simple code:
NSM5172004 <- read.csv("H:\\HRH-Data_Files\\FrequencyScenarios\\NMS.csv",
header=TRUE, sep=",")
NMS <- NSM5172004[-(1)]
NMS.dist <- dist(NMS)
plot(hclust(NMS.dist, method = "ward"), xlab="", labels=NMS$Year, main =
"Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow", sub = "Hydro Scenario NMS5172004")
ECB2_65_01 <-
header=TRUE, sep=",")
ECB2 <- ECB2_65_01[-(1)]
ECB2.dist <- dist(ECB2)
plot(hclust(ECB2.dist, method="ward"), xlab="",labels=ECB2$Year, main="Cape
Sable Seaside Sparrow", sub= "Hydro Scenario ECB2_65-01")
Steve Friedman Ph. D.
Spatial Statistical Analyst
Everglades and Dry Tortugas National Park
950 N Krome Ave (3rd Floor)
Homestead, Florida 33034
Steve_Friedman at nps.gov
Office (305) 224 - 4282
Fax (305) 224 - 4147
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