[R] Abstract submission deadline for useR! 2009

Francois Husson francois.husson at agrocampus-ouest.fr
Tue Feb 3 16:02:29 CET 2009

Dear members of the R user community,

the submission deadline for useR! 2009 (Rennes, France, July 8 to 10,
2009) is approaching:

   Submission deadline: 2009-02-27

(and along with that the early registration deadline).

We encourage you to give a presentation at the conference and submit an
abstract or a poster on topics presenting innovations or exciting
applications of R. You can use the conference Web page at


Invited speakers will include: Adele Cutler, Peter Dalgaard, Jerome H.
Friedman,  Michael Greenacre, Trevor Hastie, John Storey, Martin Theus.

July 7, 2009, half-day tutorials are presented by R experts prior to the

The conference web page:
gives a list of hotels and some student rooms (200) are also available
on the campus (Rennes will be very busy at the conference time because
the cultural event `Festival Les tombées de la nuit' will take place at
the same time, so we recommend to book as soon as possible).

We hope to meet you in Rennes!

F. Husson
for the organizing committee.

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