[R] paste(" /" ") and paste(" /' ")
Duncan Murdoch
murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Wed Apr 22 12:55:13 CEST 2009
Agustin Lobo wrote:
> I wish to write "" using paste(), but
paste() doesn't write anything, it constructs character vectors. It is
the auto-printing that is adding the backslashes. Use cat() to write
things without them:
> cat(paste("\"","Hola","\"",sep=""))
In fact, cat() is flexible and you could just use
> > paste("\"","Hola","\"",sep="")
> [1] "\"Hola\""
> >
> while the same approach works with ''
> > paste("\'","Hola","\'",sep="")
> [1] "'Hola'"
> why this difference? how could I do it to get "Hola" ?
print() puts double quotes around strings when it prints them; that
means it needs backslash escapes on double quotes within the string, but
single quotes are fine.
Your vector did contain "Hola", but print() escaped the quotes.
Duncan Murdoch
> Thanks
> Agus
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