[R] changing Swaeve output settings for .pdf and .eps - is there a way?

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Fri Apr 17 12:46:13 CEST 2009

cameron.bracken wrote:
> markheckmann wrote:
>> The pdf() settings do not affect Sweave settings when producing a .pdf
>> graphic. How can I change the Sweave default settings to e.g. 3 inch?
> Also, even if you set the width of your plot to 3 inches, the plot will be
> expanded to 80% of the textwidth by default.  To disable this (i.e you set
> width=3 and your plot is actually 3 inches) use 
> \usepackage[nogin]{Sweave}.
> You will have to copy Sweave.sty to your local directory or to your texmf
> directory for this to work. 
You shouldn't need Sweave.sty in your local directory for this to work.  
You aren't changing it,
just using one of its options.

There are other ways to control the size:  it isn't always 80%.  I 
normally use something like
\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.75\textwidth} to control it.  You can reset this a 
number of times in
the same document.  (Read the LaTeX docs for graphicx to see the other 
keys that can be set.)

Duncan Murdoch

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