[R] Protocol question: formatting of posts

Carl Witthoft carl at witthoft.com
Sat Apr 11 17:38:26 CEST 2009

Here's a random example of some code and the response R produced:


  > sum(2 ^ (which(as.logical(rev(nn))) - 1)) [1] 74


Now, maybe I'm old and crochety, but why don't people put a handy 
linefeed (or <CR>) between each command line and each response line?  I 
just find it tedious to try to figure out exactly where a given command 
ended, especially when a couple commands in a row are left on a single line.

If this is my own fault for reading the archive with Camino (and other 
browsers parse the archive web page text better), then I apologize for 
this interruption.

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