[R] Schoenfeld residuals
Terry Therneau
therneau at mayo.edu
Mon Apr 6 17:13:45 CEST 2009
Laura Bonnett was kind enough to send me a copy of the data that caused the
plotting error, since it was an error I had not seen before.
1. The latest version of survival gives a nicer error message:
> fit <- coxph(Surv(rem.Remtime, rem.Rcens) ~ all.sex, nearma)
> cfit <- cox.zph(fit)
> plot(cfit)
Error in plot.cox.zph(cfit) :
Spline fit is singular, try a smaller degrees of freedom
2. What's the problem?
There are 1085 events in the data set (rem.Rcens==1), and of these 502 are
tied events on exactly day 365. The plot.cox.zph function tries to fit a
smoothing spline to the data to help the eye; the fit gives weight 1 to each
death and having this high a proportion of ties creates problems for the
underlying regression.
> plot(cfit, df=2)
Warning messages:
1: In approx(xx, xtime, seq(min(xx), max(xx), length = 17)[2 * (1:8)]) :
collapsing to unique 'x' values
2: In approx(xtime, xx, temp) : collapsing to unique 'x' values
These warning messages are ignorable. I'll work on making them go away.
4. A shot in the dark -- is perchance the variable rem.Rcens=1 a marker of a
censored observation, and the events are 0? (A whole lot of events at 1 year is
suspicious, but half censored at one year is believable.) Then the proper coxph
code is
> fit2 <- coxph(Surv(rem.Remtime, rem.Rcens==0) ~ all.sex, nearma)
Terry Therneau
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