[R] for loop for extracting linear model info

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Sat Apr 4 23:48:56 CEST 2009

Melissa2k9 wrote:
> Uwe Ligges-3 wrote:
>> Melissa2k9 wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have written a for loop as such:
>>> model<-lm(Normalised~Frame,data=All,subset=((Subject==1)&(Filmclip=="Strand")))
>>> summary(model)
>>> #######################################
>>> #To extract just the Adjusted R squared
>>> #######################################
>>> rsq<-summary(model)[[9]]
>>> ###########################
>>> #To extract just the slope
>>> ###########################
>>> slope<-summary(model)[[4]][[2]]
>>> #######################################################
>>> #To extract only the p value from the t test for slope
>>> #######################################################
>>> pvalue<-summary(model)[[4]][[8]]
>>> ####################################
>>> data<-data.frame(slope,pvalue,rsq)
>>> ####################################
>>> #######################################
>>> #To extract this info for all films
>>> ########################################
>>> for (i in c(1:8,10:20,22:29))
>>> {
>>> model_1<-lm(Normalised~Frame,data=All,subset=((Subject==i)&(Filmclip=="Strand")))
>>> summary(model_1)
>>> slope<-summary(model_1)[[4]][[2]]
>>> pvalue<-summary(model_1)[[4]][[8]]
>>> rsq<-summary(model_1)[[9]]
>>> data2<-data.frame(slope,pvalue,rsq)
>>> data2<-rbind(data,data2)
>>> }
>>> I want this to run for all i but so far I am only getting two entries in
>>> my
>>> data frame, one for the first subject, and another.
>> You are overwriting the old data2 with a new one that consists of those 
>> two in each iteration of the loop .......
>> Uwe Ligges
>>> Does anyone know where I am going wrong in my code so I can have this
>>> data
>>> for all subjects 1-8,10-20, and 22-29.
>>> Thanks
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>> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> Hey,
> Thanks, but do you have any advice on how to stop overwriting the old data2
> and just keep adding a new row for each different subject?
> Thanks :)

Untested, because you have still not given a reproducible examples which 
the posting guide asks you to do:

indices <- c(1:8,10:20,22:29)
li <- length(indices)
data2 <- data.frame(slope=numeric(li), pvalue=numeric(li), rsq=numeric(li))
for (i in seq_along(indices)){
  model_1 <- lm(Normalised ~ Frame, data = All, subset = 
((Subject==indices[i]) & (Filmclip=="Strand")))
  summod_1 <- summary(model_1)
  slope <- summod_1[[4]][[2]]
  pvalue <- summod_1[[4]][[8]]
  rsq <- summod_1[[9]]
  data2[i,] <- c(slope, pvalue, rsq)

Uwe Ligges

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