[R] R help needed

Kamlesh Kumar kamlesh.isi at gmail.com
Wed May 21 08:13:20 CEST 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,
             I have tried to upload data in R but it showing some error
  in command window. It's should be noted that I am using Mac version of
  R. I am using Mac-text for writing my data. I am getting following
  message on the command window.

  > source("/Users/kamleshkumar/Desktop/DS1.txt")
  Error in source("/Users/kamleshkumar/Desktop/DS1.txt") :
    /Users/kamleshkumar/Desktop/DS1.txt: unexpected symbol at
  1: x y
                I am attaching the the DS1.txt file also with this mail.
  Please go through it and guide me about this. I am waiting for a reply
  from your side. Thanking you.
  Yours Sincerely,
  Kamlesh Kumar

Kamlesh kumar
QEM1, Universität Bielefeld
Appt. No.- 313A,
29, Morganbreede,
33615 Bielefeld,
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