[R] ARIMA, AR, STEP - [ ] Message is from an unknown sender
Daniele Amberti
daniele.amberti at ors.it
Thu May 8 15:15:50 CEST 2008
I agree with You that I'm trying to estimate structure that is not there, it's just an example, anyway I mean like function ar {stats} not arima0(). Function ar() is very simple with an automatic selection criterion (AIC etc). but miss moving average, integration, seasonality and predict method.
Library forecasting seems to do something this way but documentation is not so exhaustive.
-----Original Message-----
From: Prof Brian Ripley [mailto:ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk]
Sent: giovedì 8 maggio 2008 14.48
To: Daniele Amberti
Cc: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] ARIMA, AR, STEP - [ ] Message is from an unknown sender
On Thu, 8 May 2008, Daniele Amberti wrote:
> Here is my problem:
> Autoregressive models are very interesting in forecasting consumptions (eg water, gas etc).
> Generally time series of this type have a long history with relatively simple patterns and can be useful to add external regressors for calendar events (holydays, vacations etc).
> arima() is a very powerful function but kalman filter is very slow (and I foun difficulties of estimation) while ar() is too simple but fast (but do not have a method for forecasting I think)
> Is there something like arima() but entirely implemented in C and efficient like ar() ???
You mean, like arima0()?
I am not sure arima() is inefficient, rather that you are asking for the
solution to a computationally difficult problem (which in your example is
looking to estimate structure that is not there!).
> Is there something like step() for ARIMAX? It would be very useful for external regressors.
> Try the code below (imagine daily data for some years):
> x <- rep(c(15,20,20,20,20,12,10), 5*52)
> set.seed(1234)
> x <- x + rnorm(length(x))
> #plot(as.ts(x[1:21]))
> #slow
> arima(x, c(1,0,1), list(order = c(2,0,0), period = 7))
> arima(x, c(2,0,0), list(order = c(3,0,0), period = 7))
> #slower
> arima(x, c(2,0,1), list(order = c(3,0,0), period = 7))
> # do not converge
> arima(x, c(2,0,0), list(order = c(3,0,1), period = 7))
> #fast but not enough sophisticated
> ar(x)
> Thanks in advance
> Daniele
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