[R] Fourier Analysis and Curve Fitting in R

Carson Farmer cfarmer at uvic.ca
Fri Jan 25 22:54:05 CET 2008

Dear List,

I am attempting to perform a harmonic analysis on a time series of snow 
depth, in which the annual curve is essentially asymmetric (i.e. snow 
accumulates slowly over time, and the subsequent melt occurs relatively 
rapidly).  I am trying to fit a curve to the data, however, the actual 
frequency is unknown. I have been trying to follow the methods in Peter 
Bloomfields text "Fourier Analysis of Time Series", but am having 
trouble implementing this in R.

Does anyone have any suggestions, or perhaps directions on how this 
might be done properly? Am I using the right methods for fitting an 
asymmetric curve?

Any help is greatly appreciated,



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