[R] Plot multiple lines, same plot, different axes?
Ron Thornton
Ron.thornton at fao.org
Fri Dec 19 17:05:31 CET 2008
The plotrix package does this (). However, maybe only for lines.
The code below will plot as many graphs of different types one on another,
and it contains a plot with a different axis. The graphs are self scaling
for y axis and date axis.
I have included background code for setting up date data, + the table used
for graphing.
(It looks much more intelligible in Tinn-R.)
> names(survis)
[1] "Province" "District" "SubDistrict" "Village" "Date"
"Activity" "Status" "RapidTestDone" "AnigenResult"
[10] "HPAICompEvent"
[1] "POSIXt" "POSIXct"
#rename fields
#Return date as month number
survismth<-as.numeric(format(survis2$Date, "%m"))
#set up axis labels
date.bins <- seq(from = min(survis2$Date), format = "%d/%m/%y", to =
max(survis2$Date), format = "%d/%m/%y", by = "1 month")
date.lab <- as.character(date.bins, format = "%b-%y")
mthvis 0 1 testsdone anigenpos testpercr
4 954 819 135 135 105 11.01
5 2090 1929 161 161 114 5.45
6 2723 2545 178 178 126 4.63
7 2600 2460 140 140 93 3.58
8 2580 2392 188 188 106 4.11
9 2415 2240 175 175 104 4.31
10 2354 2263 91 91 42 1.78
11 1595 1526 69 69 36 2.26
plotvis<-barplot(join6[,"mthvis"],col="grey90",main="Visit numbers, test
numbers and HPAI detection rates\n - ALL PROVINCES",font.main=4,ylab="Number
of visits",border="grey20",ylim = c(0, max(join6[,"mthvis"]+20)), space=0,
#Second barplot overlying
par(new = TRUE)
plottests<-barplot(join6[,"anigenpos"],col="dark green",space=0, axes=FALSE,
names.arg="", ylim=c(0, max(join6[,"mthvis"]+20))) #no axes, ylim to align
y axis
#Create graph with second plot with second axis with different scale, with
points centred on barplot columns
par(new = TRUE) ; par(las=0)
plotperc<-plot(join6[,"testpercr"], type = "o", axes = FALSE, bty = "n",
xlab = "", ylab="", col="red",lwd=2,lty=1, xlim=c(0.5,(mthlgth+0.5)))
axis(side=4, at = pretty(range(testpercr)), col="red", lwd=2)
mtext("HPAI diagnoses per 100 visits", side = 4, line = -1.15, outer =
FALSE, at = NA, adj = NA, padj = NA, cex = NA, col = NA, font = NA)
savePlot(filename = "ALL PROVINCES", type = c("png"), device = dev.cur())
Ron Thornton
ron.thornton at fao.org
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