[R] Design library installation problem

Ian Watson ian.watson at mq.edu.au
Wed Jun 13 23:47:50 CEST 2007

Dear Listers

I have tried to install Frank Harrell's two libaries: Hmisc 
and Design.

I found that Hmisc was listed in the list of packages from 
the Install Packages command on the Packages menu, but 
Design was not. I installed Hmisc from this list, and when I 
  issued the library(Hmisc) command, it loaded into memory 

I then copied the Design 1.1-1.zip file from the 
http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/S/Harrell/library/r/ site and used 
the Install Packages from Local Zip file command.

I received no error messages and a visual inspection of the 
R\library directory shows Design has been installed.

However, when I issued the library(Design) command I get the 
following error message:

Error in library(Design) : 'Design' is not a valid package 
-- installed < 2.0.0?

I also notice, from a visual inspection of the 
R\library\Design\R directory that there is only one file: 
design. In other directories, eg. R\library\Hmisc\R there 
are usually 3 files:

I am new to R, and a bit lost. I have read the R-admin.pdf 
documentation on packages but am still unsure how to proceed 
from here.

I would appreciate any advice, and any answers to the 
following questions:

1) is there a reason why Design is not listed in the Install 
Packages list as Hmisc is?
2) have I done the correct thing by way of manual 
installation of Design?
3) is the absence of 2 other Design files (rdx, rdb) the 
reason for my failed installation?
4) what should I try now?

I am using R.2.5.0 on Windows XP.

Kind regards

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