[R] lme and aov
Peter Dalgaard
p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Fri Aug 3 21:52:58 CEST 2007
Gang Chen wrote:
> I have a mixed balanced ANOVA design with a between-subject factor
> (Grp) and a within-subject factor (Rsp). When I tried the following
> two commands which I thought are equivalent,
> > fit.lme <- lme(Beta ~ Grp*Rsp, random = ~1|Subj, Model);
> > fit.aov <- aov(Beta ~ Rsp*Grp+Error(Subj/Rsp)+Grp, Model);
> I got totally different results. What did I do wrong?
Except for not telling us what your data are and what you mean by
"totally different"?
One model has a random interaction between Subj and Rsp, the other does
not. This may make a difference, unless the interaction term is aliased
with the residual error.
If your data are unbalanced, aov is not guaranteed to give meaningful
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