[R] importing excel-file

Alberto Monteiro albmont at centroin.com.br
Thu Apr 19 13:17:53 CEST 2007

Hans-Peter wrote:
>> Method 2:
>> This method uses library xlsReadWrite. You must know the index
>> of the spreadsheet that you want to load:
>> plan6 <- read.xls(filename, sheet = 6, colClasses="double")
> it works with the sheet name too! You can write:
> plan6 <- read.xls(filename, sheet = "sheet name", colClasses="double")
Ok, it works.
>> This works in most cases.
>                ~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Huu? (the package is supposed to work in *all* cases...!).
Yes, but I did not test *all* cases to make such a strong
assertion O:-)

> Do you use
> the newest version (v1.3.1 or v1.3.2)? 
No, I was using 1.1.1

> If there are any bugs/issues,
> please report them to me and they - most likely - will get fixed.
Ok - I will do it.


Alberto Monteiro

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