[R] Lattice strip labels for two factors

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 23:47:37 CEST 2006

On 9/26/06, Joe Moore <emgt_r at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All:
> In the following code which I modified from previous question,

Perhaps you should also have checked if it runs after the modification.

> in addition
> to show the fact1 level names (y, b, r) in strips, I also want to have a
> color bar to indicate the state of every panel (in this example, y
> correspods to 1, and b, r correspond to 0). Does anyone have a quick
> solution?

No, but this might give you a hint (you need to write a suitable panel

xyplot(value ~ year | fact1:factor(state),
       data=df, type="b",
       subset= fact2=="far",


> Thanks
> df <- expand.grid("fact1"=c("y","b","r"),
> "fact2"=c"far","por","lis","set"), "year"=1991:2000, "value"= NA)
> df[,"value"] <- sample(1:50, 120, replace=TRUE)
> df$state <- 0
> df$state[df$fact1=="y"] <- 1
> require("lattice")
> xyplot( value ~ year | fact1, data=df, type="b", subset= fact2=="far",
>               strip = strip.custom(bg=gray.colors(1,0.95),
> factor.levels=c("yellow",  "black", "red")), layout=c(1,3))

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