[R] RGui problem in Windows XP with demo() and help()

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Tue Sep 5 15:03:24 CEST 2006

Murray Eisenberg wrote:
> I just installed R-2.3.1pat under Windows XP as well as the associated
> RWinEdt.  If I start RGui from its shortcut (but do _not_ also start
> RWinEdt) and then try to execute demo() or help(), I get a RWinEdt
> pop-up error window with message:
>    File "D:\WP\WinEdtData\WinEdt\D:/WP/WinEdtData/WinEdt/R.ini" does not
> exist!
>    Qualifier -e/-E does not specify an existing file!
> First question: what is causing RWinEdt even to get involved here?
> Second: where is the garbled path to R.ini coming from.
> Here's the configuration:  Everything R is in D:\Stats\R.  R-2.3.1pat
> has the actual R release installed.
> The shortcut for R-2.3.1-pat has target
> D:\Stats\R\R-2.3.1pat\bin\Rgui.exe and starts in
> D:\Stats\R\R-2.3.1pat.
> File .Renviron is in D:\Stats\R.  R-2.3.1pat; the only lines in it that
> are not commented out are:
>   R_USER=e:/Documents/R
>   R_LIBS=d:/Stats/R/myRlib
> File .Rprofile is in e:/Documents/R (the reference of myR_USER); the
> only lines in it not commented out are:
>    options(editor="\"d:/WP/winedt/winedt\" -c=\"R-WinEdt\"
>         -E=\"D:/WP/WinEdtData/WinEdt/R.ini\" -V")      [on 1 line]
>    options(pager="\"d:/WP/winedt/winedt\" -C=\"R-WinEdt\"
>         -e=\"D:/WP/WinEdtData/WinEdt/R.ini\" -V")      [on 1 line]
>    .First <- function(x) print("Profile read")

Just delete those options, they are not required in order to have 
RWinEdt working with R (I'm not using them).
The usual way is to start RWinEdt separately in order to edit .R files 
and source() or paste parts of them to R.

Uwe Ligges

> Is the root of the problem that I have a single .Rprofile set up for
> RWinEdt but need to have a different one for RGui without RWinEdt?
> And, if so, how do I tell R which one to use at startup?

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