[R] Measurements of 3000 criminals

Jean lobry lobry at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr
Sun Oct 29 12:54:49 CET 2006

>On that basis, and having looked at Jean's PDF
>the table on the 11th page thereof (Section 4) seems to be
>a facsimile reproduction of the corresponding page in the
>Biometrika article by Macdonell. (I do not have access at
>the moment to the original Biometrika, so cannot verify this),
>and that table gives the data as originally published by


Yes, indeed, this is a screen-copy from the Macdonell paper
scanned in JSTOR. As you have guessed we (Anne-Béatrice
Dufour and mylself) have entered the data, checked that
margins were consistent, and converted height in cm.

We were planning to use this for teaching: a practical under
R to reproduce Student's original experiment, but we didn't
have the time up to now to write the handout.


Jean R. Lobry            (lobry at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr)
Laboratoire BBE-CNRS-UMR-5558, Univ. C. Bernard - LYON I,
43 Bd 11/11/1918, F-69622 VILLEURBANNE CEDEX, FRANCE
allo  : +33 472 43 27 56     fax    : +33 472 43 13 88

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