[R] nontabular logistic regression

Sundar Dorai-Raj sundar.dorai-raj at pdf.com
Fri Oct 13 17:28:27 CEST 2006

Jeffrey Stratford said the following on 10/13/2006 9:28 AM:
> Hi.  I'm attempting to fit a logistic/binomial model so I can determine
> the influence of landscape on the probability that a box gets used by a
> bird.  I've looked at a few sources (MASS text, Dalgaard, Fox and
> google) and the examples are almost always based on tabular predictor
> variables.  My data, however are not.  I'm not sure if that is the
> source of the problems or not because the one example that includes a
> continuous predictor looks to be coded exactly the same way.  Looking at
> the output, I get estimates for each case when I should get a single
> estimate for purbank.  Any suggestions?
> Many thanks,
> Jeff
> THE DATA: (200 boxes total, used [0 if unoccupied, 1 occupied], the rest
> are landscape variables).  
> box	use	purbank	purban2	purban1	pgrassk	pgrass2	pgrass1	grassdist	grasspatchk
> 1	1	0.003813435	0.02684564	0.06896552	0.3282487	0.6845638	0.7586207	0	3.73
> 2	1	0.04429451	0.1610738	0.1724138	0.1534174	0.3825503	0.6551724	0	1.023261
> 3	1	0.04458785	0.06040268	0	0.1628043	0.557047	0.7586207	0	0.9605769
> 4	1	0.06072162	0.2080537	0.06896552	0.01936052	0	0	323.1099	0.2284615
> 5	0	0.6080962	0.6979866	0.6896552	0.03168084	0.1275168	0.2413793	30	0.2627027
> 6	1	0.6060428	0.6107383	0.3448276	0.04077442	0.2885906	0.4482759	30	0.2978571
> 7	1	0.3807568	0.4362416	0.6896552	0.06864183	0.03355705	0	94.86833	0.468
> 8	0	0.3649164	0.3154362	0.4137931	0.06277501	0.1275168	0	120	0.4585714
> box.use<- read.csv("c:\\eabl\\2004\\use_logistic2.csv", header=TRUE)
> attach(box.use)
> box.use <- na.omit(box.use)
> use <- factor(use, levels=0:1)
> levels(use) <- c("unused", "used")
> glm1 <- glm(use ~ purbank, binomial)
> Coefficients:
>                      Estimate Std. Error   z value Pr(>|z|)
> (Intercept)        -4.544e-16  1.414e+00 -3.21e-16    1.000
> purbank0            2.157e+01  2.923e+04     0.001    0.999
> purbank0.001173365  2.157e+01  2.067e+04     0.001    0.999
> purbank0.001466706  2.157e+01  2.923e+04     0.001    0.999
> purbank0.001760047  6.429e-16  2.000e+00  3.21e-16    1.000
> purbank0.002346729  2.157e+01  2.923e+04     0.001    0.999
> purbank0.003813435  2.157e+01  2.923e+04     0.001    0.999
> purbank0.004106776  2.157e+01  2.067e+04     0.001    0.999
> purbank0.004693458  2.157e+01  2.067e+04     0.001    0.999
> ****************************************
> Jeffrey A. Stratford, Ph.D.
> Postdoctoral Associate
> 331 Funchess Hall
> Department of Biological Sciences
> Auburn University
> Auburn, AL 36849
> 334-329-9198
> FAX 334-844-9234
> http://www.auburn.edu/~stratja
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That's not what I get:

lines <- 
box.use <- read.csv(textConnection(lines))

box.use <- na.omit(box.use)
box.use$use <- factor(box.use$use, levels=0:1)
levels(box.use$use) <- c("unused", "used")
(glm1 <- glm(use ~ purbank, binomial, box.use))

You need to check why purbank is being interpreted as a factor in your code.

Also, I removed your use of "attach" because I find it dangerous 
(especially with no detach). Better to be explicit.



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